Bay of Fundy near low tide |
I don't think Jessie was prepared for the rugged isolation of the Fundy area of New Brunswick. She needs connectivity to finish her online class and she searched for another branch library or coffee shop in Alma, near the Fundy National Park where we are staying. No Tim Horton's, no Starbucks, no library. In the off season, only 280 residents remain in Alma, and a hearty lot they must be, mostly park employees or fishermen. We were also not prepared for the rugged weather. It rained on us all the way from Saint Andrew and into this morning (Happy Canada Day, I write this July 1). Blustery wind gusts sent our screen room tumbling into a ravine and shook the camper all night as we tried to sleep. It got down into the upper 40s last night and, while milder today, we pulled out coats and vests and wore them in layers. The good news is, besides the incredible beauty of this place, the park Visitor's Center Lounge is open until 10pm with excellent wifi.
Despite the fact that it is Canada Day and all of Canada is on vacation, it has not felt crowded here. We
Baby, it's cold outside! |
hiked to the beautiful Dickson Falls then down to the beach at Pointe Wolf. We drove out through Waterside, past the charming Waterside School to the Cape Enrage lighthouse I'd visited last year with Ben. I have never seen such luxurious shades of green, and any view of the Bay of Fundy is awe inspiring.
Part of the local Canada Day celebration (I guess with only 280 residents, a parade is a bit much to organize, especially since the tourist season is so short they are all employed serving food and clerking the shops today) consists, among other things, of a "duck race" hopefully followed tonight by fireworks over the water. You can buy a small plastic duck with a number on it. All several hundred of them are released into the local creek as it recedes into the bay at low tide.
Duck Race |
The wind was so strong, two very dedicated local women braved the cold water and hurtled ducks pressed against the shore by the winds back into the moving water and equally dedicated fishermen waited with nets at the end to trap the ducks and keep them from entering the ocean. The owner of the first duck into the net won $200.
Finish Line |
There really is no way to describe the beauty we have seen. So just enjoy the pictures (click to enlarge them) and know that we are happy, safe, amazed, and delighted to be here. And REALLY REALLY grateful for public wifi...
Bay of Fundy from the Visitor's Center |
Creek at Dickson's Falls
Boardwalk at the falls |
The deep woods |
Dickson Falls |
Pointe Wolf Beach at low tide |
Waterside School |
Cape Enrage |
Cozy at home |
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