Jessie at the wheel |
I'm not going to write a lot tonight--mostly just comment on pictures. We hightailed it up the Appalachian Ridge today and ended up in Brattleboro VT. Another long day and we are pooped. The scenery was stunning the entire way with subtle differences between mountain ranges, but all of it was familiar and felt like the mountains back home. Jessie read the phrase "Appalachian Temperate Rain Forest", which I had not heard before but aptly describes the blanket of green that covered much of what we saw.
Vintage Shasta |
A shout out to the KOA folks. I'd heard they were good employers at their corporate owned sites. I talked with the local site owner tonight and she said they were great partners. Glad to spend my money with them, they have been absolutely trouble free to deal with and their facilities have been consistently clean and convenient.
Summer slowdowns |
Atop the Blue Ridge in New York |
We had almost no construction traffic or slow downs yesterday. We paid for that today. We traveled nearly 100 miles less today but it took as long or longer. In addition, the GPS took us off the interstate through the scenic Poconos though that detour was well worth the time. The interstate mostly travels atop the ridge but the local roads took us deep into the woods, through small towns.
Local stone |
The traffic was bad and we were pressed for time so most pictures are through the windshield. My apologies. Photography should improve once we can slow down in Canada.
We pass through Hartford CT and Jessie snapped a picture of this huge building with lettering that said Spaghetti Warehouse. Since it looked like a warehouse, we were intrigued and she looked it up on the internet. Apparently there is a chain called Spaghetti Warehouse and they had a restaurant near this abandoned building, bought it and used it as a billboard to advertise the restaurant. The Hartford restaurant closed in 1996, but their sign remains an item of local interest. The things you learn..
Crossing the Hudson |
Spaghetti Warehouse
We ended the day in Brattleboro, hungry and tired. The downtown looks a lot like Asheville without the influence of ridiculous wealth. Arty, full of students and funky shops and beautiful old architecture. And a nice spot to camp and sleep. Next stop Canada. Good night!
Brattleboro |
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